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Prevent animal suffering and demand anima...

<div id="description"><div class="xs-phs mtm"><div class="mbl"><div class="type-break-word type-l description"><div class="rte js-description-content"><p>Over 500 million animals raised every year in factory farms, experience pain and suffering in the same ways as our beloved pets. Yet the Australian legal system actively and deliberately excludes these animals from protection against cruel treatment. The sole reason being ensuring that animal industries remain as profitable as possible. Common practices on factory farms which cause immense suffering and would be illegal in any other circumstance, are permitted due to industry 'Codes of Practice&rsquo;.</p><p><br />Maximising profits for cruel industries is the motivation of industry operators and governments. It can never provide a justifiable excuse in any civilised society for permitting abhorrent acts of cruelty to millions of animals each year.</p><p><br />Codes of Practice also cover animals used in rodeos, circuses, theme parks or those hunted for sport &mdash; allowing them to be treated in a way that would be illegal if those responsible were accountable to actual animal cruelty laws.</p><p>Please sign this petition and prevent the cruelty done to animals through factory farms and other forms of animal abuse.</p></div></div></div></div></div><div id="details"><div id="delivered-to" data-view="petitions/show/components/delivered_to" data-visible_dms="3" data-model_name="Petition" data-fetch_summary="{&quot;model&quot;:{&quot;model&quot;:&quot;Petition&quot;,&quot;id&quot;:&quot;7974629&quot;}}" data-view-attached="true"><div class="box border-rounded-t pam mtl mbxxs type-s"><strong class="type-weak">This petition will be delivered to:</strong></div><div class="box border-rounded-t pam mtl mbxxs type-s">&nbsp;</div><div class="box border-rounded-t pam mtl mbxxs type-s"><strong>Minister for Agriculture</strong></div><div class="box border-rounded-t pam mtl mbxxs type-s">Barnaby Joyce</div></div></div>

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