<p>Hello,</p><p> </p><p>My fellow Pennsylvania brothers and sisters, today is a time of current crisis overseas with the fight over isis. Pennsylvania Tom Wolf says that he will accept syrian refugees, I say with who's consent many if not hundreds of thousands of the common wealth's citizens are against this. Please help me over turn this terrible choice of one man that's supposed to govern the safety and welfare of our beautiful state. No matter what a human is a human we are created equal but when faced with one terrible choice to make our safety vs there's. I love every person equally no matter race, sex, gender and creed, but Americans this isn't the right path. We never know if isis will be at our doorsteps because of this choice of the government. Do not let the government try to make a wrong choice and leave us to deal with it. GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA</p>