<p><em><strong>Weird Years</strong></em> is an animated series about Donko Dorkovitch and his eccentric family from Kryobia as they deal with life and transition in North America.</p><p>The show takes a lighthearted look at adventures in the New World as seen through the eyes of some very strange people. Donko’s ancient mother Zozo, for example, has not, will not, and never will be accustomed to life in North America and thinks it's a stupid place full of crazy heathens with crazy habits. The Dorkovich family lives in the Labrador town of Happy Valley.</p><p>This show has never aired no more. Since this show can be hard to find. But, there is some parts of episodes of that show "Infoodelity", "Home of the Driving Range", and "The Truth About Truth" can be found on youtube.</p><p>many lost media enthusaists like myself, we will like to see this. and fans from the show will like to watch there favriote episodes again! sign this petetion so this amaing series can be found media!</p>