<p><em>NB: This has already been rejected once by planning, but a small change the plans have meant 02 have resubmitted the proposal. </em></p><p>A 15m phone mast (3 times the height of a street lamp) and 2 telecomms cabinets are due to be placed at the end of Connaught Road, between the 2 sites of Connaught School. The mast will be in the cycle lane, on the path that is used by people to go to and from the station.</p><p>The two cabinets will be placed in the flower bed against the wall of the A12. This raises<br />multiple concerns:</p><ul><li>Health. The jury is still out on the health implications of phone masts, though some studies suggest ill health can result from exposure.</li><li>Safety. The two boxes will be very climbable by the curious, the drunk, the young, the unstable, the suicidal – any vulnerable individual looking to have a peak or clamber straight over the wall onto the A12. This is between 2 school sites and there are already too many incidents of people committing suicide onto the A12, including a 16 year old girl in 2012.</li><li>The mast will be in the cycle lane which goes against the council's current strategy.</li><li>This isn't the most attractive of areas, and this certainly won't help. This will be within meters of houses and is an imposing,intimidating structure unsuitable for a domestic environment.</li></ul>