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Introduce fairer and safer entry visa sys...

<p><strong>Two Pakistani Christian women have been denied a travel visa to enter the UK for a church Conference as part of a twinning programme with a church from the 'Church of Scotland' (see article below)</strong></p><p><strong>Quite conversely Islamic hate preachers have been able to enter the UK for tours around the country during which fundamentalist ideologies have been promulgated. Many of these extremists have resettled in the UK to the detriment of our society.</strong></p><p><strong>We call for Britain to have a more common sense approach to travel entry to the UK. Based on the security of the country and visibility of sponsorship from large organisations with a responsibility upon them to see the visitors return home. &nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>The current process allows extremists into the country due to financial viability and penalizes poorer applicants seeking to do some good work and then return home.&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>We ask for the Home Secretary George Osborne MP to undertake a review of this visa refusal. We call on him to approve a travel visa for the two Christian applicants that they might join a church twinning conference.</strong></p><p><strong>Press release:&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Today the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA) added its voice and efforts to the chorus of Christians and churches who have condemned a Home Office decision to refuse two Pakistani Christian women visas to visit their twin church in Scotland. <br /><br />The Church of Scotland has a long established program of exchange visits with and other support measures for churches in the developing world, including many impoverished nations and where Christians are often persecuted. However, despite the Church of Scotland guaranteeing all aspects of their stay financially, in this case the Home Office refused to allow the two women to attend, claiming that the Christian leaders were too poor to meet relevant criteria and posed a risk of overstaying and becoming illegal immigrants. <br /><br />BPCA chairman Wilson Chowdhry explained why the BPCA had got involved &lsquo;We are appalled that peaceful and legitimate Christian leaders and parishioners are not being allowed into Britain for a meeting with a well established church that has long experience of handling such matters, particularly when the Home Office recently let in Pakistani Muslim clerics with a long record of inciting hatred against Christians and other objectionable behaviour for an extensive speaking tour of the nation, and meetings with prominent individuals. <br /><br />The Church of Scotland has had an exemplary record for a long time in such matters, with many people coming over on such programs from very poor countries, and not a single one absconding to stay here, apparently. Why specifically these two Pakistani Christian women have been denied entry is a worrying question. Of course, Home Office officials say they were only applying the rules, but in the limited material released, it seems to imply that the applicants produced bank evidence that met the minimum criteria and that this has been dismissed as somehow fraudulent or inaccurate, imputing dishonesty to these innocent women, and, we are told, naturally leaving them shocked and depressed.&rsquo; <br /><br />He added that staff in his organisation have quite often been told over the past few years by Pakistani Christian leaders of how frustrating it was to see Muslims, including Muslims who have been involved in persecuting Christians, gaining entry and residence in the UK with apparent ease, whilst roadblocks seems to be repeatedly put in front of Christians, although he added that the UK was not alone in that. The BPCA has approached senior Home Office oficials about this latest debacle. &nbsp;They have provided information about an Administrative Review process through which it might be possible to overturn the decision, despite the rejection letter specifically denying any possibility of an appeal. We have made contact with relevant Church of Scotland officials and have sent them information about the requirements for an Administrative Review. We will be offering other assistance where possible. &nbsp; <br /><br />Lord Alton, who has long campaigned for better attitudes towards persecuted Christians, made his exasperation clear, stating that &lsquo;Officials in the Home Office appear to live in their own Upside Down World where invited visitors to the UK, promoting links between Christians in Pakistan and Scotland, are refused permission to come here, while Jihadist radicals can settle here, get in a car, and drive to Scotland to murder someone because he is the "wrong kind of Muslim." They say they have a "Prevent" strategy" but the only thing they are preventing in their world of upside down values is an outbreak of common sense.&rsquo; <br /><br /><strong>The BPCA is urging readers and Christians everywhere, but especially in Scotland, to contact their MP&rsquo;s to raise this issue, and have written a suggested letter to help people do that. A copy of the letter can be obtained by <a href="https://britishpakistanichristians.worldsecuresystems.com/blog/draft-letter-to-uk-mps-calling-for-review-of-refusal-of-two-christian-women-to-attend-a-church-twinn">(clicking here) </a></strong></p>

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