<p>Fluoride (fluorine) is an element added to drinking water and almost all dental hygiene products. There have been numerous studies to prove if it's effects are harmful on the human body. Almost all of these effects have undeniably been proven to have extremely harmful effects on the body over time. Even with small amounts of fluoride ingested over time, this can significantly increase the amount of lead in the body causing a substantial amount of different diseases and health problems. Problems such as high amounts of lead in the body, autism, fluorosis, calcified pineal glands, and high stress levels (<a href="http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10643380600678112">http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10643380600678112</a>) have all been linked to fluoride consumption. This element added to our drinking water is causing a ton of health problems that could be avoided. By signing this petition we can allow our voices to be heard to remove this toxic element from our water. </p>