<div id="js_10" class="_5pbx userContent" data-ft="{"tn":"K"}"><p>You can read it on our language or on English. there is a woman, Sandra, who fights hard for stray dogs in Dubrovnik, no kill shelter Zarkovica and she does it for years with own resources even by taking a loans. Now she is in prison and another person took dogs and redistributed them around Croatia in shelters who has 60 days policy, after that dogs are put down... please share and help both dogs and Sandra!</p><p> </p><p><a class="profileLink" href="https://www.facebook.com/sandra.sambrailo" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/user.php?id=1270980767">Sandra Sambrailo</a> je osoba koja vec 15 godina skrbi VOLONTERSKI o napustenim zivotinjama i koja vec, isto toliko slusa isprazna obecanja gradske vlasti.<br />Sandra j<span class="text_exposed_show">e osoba koja je bila u ratu i branila svoj grad i gradjane Dubrovnika.<br />Sandra je osoba koja je omogucila Vlahusicu da se vozi u ovom automobilu, dok je ona u isto to vrijeme u kreditima koje je podigla za azil za koji je grad imao i jos ima ZAKONSKU OBVEZU da ga napravi.</span></p><div class="text_exposed_show"><p>20 519 osoba je potpisalo peticiju za spas zivotinja sa Zarkovice.<br />20 519 !!!!!!</p><p>SANDRA SAMBRAILO JE U ZATVORU !!!!</p><p>Kao najveceg kriminalca su je zatvorili.<br />Zbog cega ?<br />Pa zbog ljubavi !!!</p><p>Zbog toga sta je branila dubrovacke cucke.<br />One cucke koje Dubrovcani izbacuju na ulicu i ostavljaju po sumama pod okriljem dana i noci.<br />A s druge strane tu nam je i ZDENKA FILIPOVIC, rekla bih da je najsposobnija kad nanjusi pare.<br />Onda ona djeluje beskompromisno.<br />Tada joj je samo nebo granica.<br />Pa se tako i jutros pojavila na Zarkovici u 2.30 ujutro u drustvu policiju i UKRALA pse sa Zarkovice.<br />Jer ona tako radi i ne zna za posteno.<br />Jer u nje nema ni ljubavi ni postovanja.<br />Jer ona ne voli zivotinje, vec voli profit koje joj te iste donose.</p><p>Andro Vlahusic je pak najobicniji narcisoidni primitivac koji ne radi nista.<br />APSOLUTNO NISTA !!!<br />Osim sta potpisuje stetne ugovore i za grad i za njegove gradjane, a svoje zakonske obveze NE IZVRSAVA !!!</p><p>Ljudi moje vrijeme je.<br />VRIJEME JE DA USTANETE I DATE PODRSKU SANDRI I ZARKOVICI !!!</p><p>Mora li sila uvijek pobjedit?</p><p>MOLIM VAS pruzite bilo kakav oblik podrske Drustvu za zastitu zivotinja- posjetite fb stranicu i popratite ako niste popratili dosada.<br />Ono sto se sada dogada je veliko, strasno. <br />Zlo vodeno zeljeom za jos malo zarade na napustenim zivotinjama.<br />Ako se zlo na kakav takav nacin pobjedilo u splitu- mozemo pomoci i Dubrovniku.</p><p>Ovo je vrijeme kada bi sve udruge/incijative/pojedinci svih gradova RH trebali stati na istu stranu. <br />Ovo je veliko. Borba za zivot 400 napustenih dusa. Ali prava... <br />Zastite dubrovacke pse.</p><p>Tko suti - isti je kao i gospoda u stiklama sa slike. <br />Koja svijet gleda sa krivih jebenih visina.<br />Vec dugo, dugo....</p><p>MOLIM VAS BUDITE GLAS za one koji su sada uplaseni, zbunjeni, sami , odvedeni od jedinog doma za koji su znali..<br />Znate da ovakvo nasilje ne zasluzuje ignoriranje</p><p>Jer sutra ste to vi.<br />Jer sutra smo ovo svi mi.</p><p>NO PASARAN !!!</p><p>SANDRA SAMBRAILO is a great individual , who, almost 15 years , is taking care of homeless dogs and cats, providing them shelter and home..<br />At the same time, The City officials were issuing empty promises.</p><p>Sandra is a great individual, a War veteran, who defended her City of Dubrovnik and its citizens.<br />Sandra is a great individual who made possible that Mayor 'The Great" , drives very expensive car , while she is in debt , money needed for the makeshift shelter, for which The City of Dubrovnik had a duty, and still has, to build decent shelter for animals in need<br />There is a great number of people who signed The Petition to save animals on the mountain of Zarkovica, as they had heard recently, that animals might be taken to KIll shelters.</p><p>The number of people signed the petition - 20 519 !!!<br />20 519 !!!!</p><p>And today is the news that Sandra Sambrailo has been taken to prison.. !!! Like the biggest criminal..</p><p>For what ?<br />Because of Love !!!</p><p>Because she defended innocent animals of Dubrovnik.. Those dogs and cats that people don't want any more. They are left alone on the streets, and forests to look after themselves..</p><p>On the other hand we have Zdenka Filipovic.. She sure can smell the money scent , and that for her - the most glorius moment.. She turns into a person without any scrupules.<br />It seems that , in that moment , for her only Sky Is he Limit.<br />Therefore, she showed up , this morning, on the mountain of Zarkovica, at 2:30 a m , with police and STOLE dogs from the shelter..<br />Because she works in that fashion, and she doesn't know otherwise.<br />Because she doesn't know for Love and Respect<br />Because she doesn't like animals, but profit they bring along.<br />The Mayor of Dubrovnik is the most narcissistic individual, at the same time , primitive , who doesnt do a thing ..<br />Absolutely Nothing !!!<br />He only keeps signing the contracts, which are not good for the Town ,and residents, and his duties as a Mayor are left unfulfilled.</p><p>Dear people, it is time !!!<br />IT IS TIME FOR ALL OF US TO STAND UP AND GIVE SUPPORT FOR SANDRA AND HER BELOVED ANIMALS ON THE MOUNTAIN OF ZARKOVICA !!!</p><p>Does Power that be has to win always?</p><p>Please, if have not yet visited Facebook page for the protection of animals in Dubrovnik, now it's the time. Please, give any kind of support. <br />What is going on now, is beyond words. And how much money, really, can you make on homeless and left alone? <br />It was done in Split so-so, why it cannot be done in Dubrovnik, as well ?</p><p>This is the time when all Civil Instituitions have to work together, with all the citizens of Croatia.<br />This is Big fight for the lives of 400 innocent souls. Please , protect dogs of Dubrovnik.</p><p>If you are silent, you wont be any different from the "lady' in stilettoes pictured on the photo, who looks at World from above, from all the wrong f....ing heights .. <br />Very long time, too long.</p><p>PLEASE BE THE VOICE for those who cannot talk, who are freightened at the moment, confused, alone, taken from the only home they have ever known.</p><p>Because, tomorrow it could be you.<br />Because , tomorrow, it could be any of us.<br />NO PASARAN !!! The text is written by </p><div id="fbPhotoSnowliftAuthorPic" class="_xlv lfloat _ohe" data-ft="{"tn":"u003C"}"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/ana.suljic1?fref=photo"></a></div><div class="_42ef"><div id="fbPhotoSnowliftAuthorName" class="fbPhotoContributorName"><a id="js_20" href="https://www.facebook.com/ana.suljic1?fref=photo" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/user.php?id=100000220807907">Ana Suljic</a></div></div><p> </p></div></div><div class="_3x-2"> </div>