<p>Every day young horses in their prime are starved to death, abused or sent to slaughter. Beautiful animals that we love & cherish are stolen out of backyards, boarding facilities, etc, not because someone is wanting to own a horse but because they want the money for the weight of the animal on the meat market. Kill buyers check ads on such places as Craigslist, Penny Savers, Auctions, or Newspapers and other places seeking families eager for cash or for good homes for their long time companions because of the bad economy unaware that the person buying their animal, is only going to turn around and sell it to slaughter. According to the USDA, nearly 100,000 equines were exported from the U.S. to Mexico and Canada in 2008 for slaughter. The number increased to over 100,000 in 2009, and nearly 120,000 in 2010. A number of the horses who end up at slaughterhouses are stolen, and disappear without a trace. Horses do not deserve this fate. Horses suffer through pain and injuries and fights when at feed lots. Until they are shipped in 2 story trailers meant for cattle. Once at the Slaughter House, The horses are rounded in to tiny pens, crowded together without food, water, or shelter. Horses are whipped and yelled at to scare them into the "slot" where the horse is stabbed (some shoot) through the head, to paralyze them. Then they turn them upside down, slit their throat, and let them die there. Many horses are still ALIVE when BLEEDING to DEATH, PARALYZED so they can't MOVE!!!!! We can do something about it and choose not to. Now is our time to stand up and end slaughter! To save these BEAUTIFUL SOULS LIFE!</p>