<p>SB 1187 just passed out of the Senate Education Committee. That means it may be considered. </p><p>The following may result from the passage of this bill:</p><div><p>"Elimination of the teacher's minimum salary schedule.</p><p>Elimination of the requirement for school districts to participate in the Oklahoma Teacher's Retirement System (OTRS).</p><p>Elimination of school district provided health insurance.</p><p>Elimination of criminal background checks on school employees.</p><p>Elimination of teacher evaluation and due process protections.</p><p>Elimination of payroll deduction.</p><p>Elimination of due process protections for support staff.</p><p>Elimination of all certification requirements for all school district positions.</p><p>Elimination of negotiations between a school district and employees.</p><p>Elimination of student curriculum requirements.</p><p>Elimination of required continuing education for local board of education members."</p><p>Obviously, this can be <em><strong>very</strong> </em>detrimental. Sign and/or share this petition! You could also contact Oklahoma's congressmen, and VOTE!! Be aware of what is happening in your government! </p><p> </p><p>source: <a href="http://m.dailykos.com/story/2016/2/23/1490004/-Oklahoma-Committee-Votes-to-End-Public-Education-SB1187">http://m.dailykos.com/story/2016/2/23/1490004/-Oklahoma-Committee-Votes-to-End-Public-Education-SB1187</a></p><p> </p><p> </p></div>