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Bring my baby boy home

<p>Cps really needs to change the way they do things. I had a baby while in NC visiting. He was a preemie. I do not smoke weed or anything. As you know they blood test babies at birth. He was negative. Due to the medication the hospital had me on he didnt poop until the second day. I live in SC so the hospital in NC transported him to baptist in an ambulance. Everything was fine. Until 2 weeks later. Richland county dss were alleging that the hospital in NC said his meconium was positive for thc. Now mind you his cord was clean i was also clean. On jan 29 i was told to find a protector to supervise or what ever so i did. My mother in law did the background check and all. She passed. But then we were told that because we live in a hotel he couldnt come home. My mother smoked when i was in NC with around me. I told them that. I no longer am there i an in SC. But they said je could be exposed How when my mother and I are in two different states. On feb 5 i recieved paperwork for a probable cause hearing stating we did not find a protector and didnt comply with the safety plan. Problem is there was never a safety plan. My son has never been home. He was still in the hospital. They took him into dss custody on the 4th but paperwork was not filed to the 5th. They basically kidnapped my newborn. At the hearing i was not allowed to make statements only ask questions. Another problem. The worker doing the hearing was not the original worker so therefore she knew nothing about the case. How can i ask questions when she knows nothing about the case. They can never give us a straight answer. They always changing. They lied on the stand. Found out from another worker that being in a hotel is not a reason to not let him come home. He was not following procedure. My son is in foster care now and they just scheduled a visit today. First how cany son be negative in one state then get to SC and be positive. They are bothering people who doesnt deserve it. There's so many people actually abusing the kids and they do nothing about it. On top of that dss will not give me in any of the reports. They dont even have drug test results. All they have is allegations. Sibce he gas been born he gas not been home. He went from the hospital into foster care. Somebody please help. I need a good lawyer but dont have the money. I cant take this. I dont sleep. I was also breastfeeding. I can barely eat. Something needs to be done. These people think they are above the law and can do whatever.</p>

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