<p>We, the undersigned demand resolution in the matter of the Punishers dog from the recent episode of Daredevil. The writers, producers and directors of said episode gratuitously showed us a wounded dog with obvious wounds not once but twice. They also showed the dog being threatened with violence in exchange for information (sorry, no spoilers here). The aforementioned information was given to the bad guys. The dog was taken off-camera (hopefully to safety)AND THAT'S THE LAST WE SEE OF THE DOG!!! Given that the dog was obviously important to the character of The Punisher by the fact that he bandaged the dogs wounds in the first place. Secondly, despite being beaten like...well, like a dog...the threat that compels The Punisher to offer the information is the threat of bodily harm being done to the dog. Despite these blatant indications that the dog was intregal to The Punishers' character, the shoddy way in which the character of the dog is treated is downright criminal.<br />We ask that the writers, producers and directors of The Daredevil to please show the hundreds of dog-lovers who watched this episode and screamed out as one "Where's the dog?" or "Get your dog, Punisher!" or "Hey, did you forget something?" what happened to the dog. Oh, and he better be fine.</p>