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Public Enemy Reunion

<p>We the&nbsp;people (black, Latino, Hispanic, & Native American) , to form a more perfect union, a union which serves to&nbsp;dissipate&nbsp;the decades of practiced violence and genocide &nbsp;inflicted on our own people by our own people&nbsp;&nbsp;and the police who practice Gustapo tactics in an effort to intimidate, suppress, and otherwise oppress not only our race, but our Hispanic, Latino, & Native American brothers and sisters, demand the reunion of Public Enemy. The resurrection of "real" hip-hop music which shall be used as a catalyst to inspire, inform, and otherwise resurrect a generation which has for far too long been subdued by the flooding of airwaves by a Jewish&nbsp;controlled music industry which serves to capitalize on the plight of the struggle of its constituents without speaking in protest or otherwise involving itself directly in the struggle. A struggle all too familiar to&nbsp;these Robber Barrons&nbsp;of industry. We the people demand a revitalized insurgence of protest music by the founding fathers of Hip-Hop activism. Although we recognize that no song will, in itself, affect the change needed in this racially&nbsp;charged environment, it is our belief that the resurgence of true hip-hop, shall motivate and affect the true change needed to motivate our people beyond the antiquated practice of simply marching, with picket signs and singing&nbsp;ole negro spirituals effective in the days of Martin Luther King. This petition, in no way, is meant to diminish the presence of artist such as: Kendrick Lamar, J Cole, Nas, Lupe The Game, TI, Eminem, Royce Da 5'9" etc; it is meant only to resurrect the movement. While we recognize the the obvious fact that ALL lives matter, the reality is that Black Lives can no longer be treated as disposable.&nbsp;</p>

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