<p>We the people (black, Latino, Hispanic, & Native American) , to form a more perfect union, a union which serves to dissipate the decades of practiced violence and genocide inflicted on our own people by our own people and the police who practice Gustapo tactics in an effort to intimidate, suppress, and otherwise oppress not only our race, but our Hispanic, Latino, & Native American brothers and sisters, demand the reunion of Public Enemy. The resurrection of "real" hip-hop music which shall be used as a catalyst to inspire, inform, and otherwise resurrect a generation which has for far too long been subdued by the flooding of airwaves by a Jewish controlled music industry which serves to capitalize on the plight of the struggle of its constituents without speaking in protest or otherwise involving itself directly in the struggle. A struggle all too familiar to these Robber Barrons of industry. We the people demand a revitalized insurgence of protest music by the founding fathers of Hip-Hop activism. Although we recognize that no song will, in itself, affect the change needed in this racially charged environment, it is our belief that the resurgence of true hip-hop, shall motivate and affect the true change needed to motivate our people beyond the antiquated practice of simply marching, with picket signs and singing ole negro spirituals effective in the days of Martin Luther King. This petition, in no way, is meant to diminish the presence of artist such as: Kendrick Lamar, J Cole, Nas, Lupe The Game, TI, Eminem, Royce Da 5'9" etc; it is meant only to resurrect the movement. While we recognize the the obvious fact that ALL lives matter, the reality is that Black Lives can no longer be treated as disposable. </p>