<p>Although Trump won the race to 270, there is still a chance that Hillary can win! Since Clinton won the popular vote, electoral colleges can still pick her in December. Heres why Donald shouldnt be president;</p><p>He is prejudice towards african americans, Mexicans, islamics, latinas/latinos, women, lgbt+ communities, transgenders, and the list goes on. Basically if you arent a rich white straight male, he hates you.</p><p>He is going to court in December on rape and sexual assault charges. </p><p>His Vice President Mike Pence promises that Trump will be an anti-lgbt president and funds conversion therapy. (you can google what that means if youd like) </p><p>He is basically taking away all of our rights as citizens. Even women wont be able to get a job because of their gender. </p><p>Some people will disagree however, saying that Hillary is worse than Trump. (i really dont see how thats possible.) They say this because shes "taking away our guns" and "supports abortion." 1. someone find her exactly saying "i am taking away everyone's guns." Cant find it, right? That is because she isnt! She wants stricter gun laws, and wants people to be able to check them in. in canada, there are strict gun laws. there have been 0 shootings there. theyre still able to have guns. 2. if something is wrong with the baby or the mother, abort it! if its going to be a miscarriage, there shouldnt be a problem. If trump is in office and you get an abortion, youll get punished for it.</p><p>all in all, I personally dont like either one, but Hillary is far better than Donald Trump. You can say all you want, about emails and murdering and such (which isnt real lol) but i would rather have someone thats respectful and supportive than a fascist dictator in the white house.</p><p>although i may be 15 and i can not vote, im a very political person. we are not "just kids." this can sway their votes. i have friends that are non-white and part of the lgbt+ community. i do not want to see them in danger. Thanks for reading! please think about it and maybe, hillary can become the first female president of the United States.</p>