<h1>Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban endorses Hillary Clinton</h1><p> </p><p>Mark Cuban it's time to come out of the closet and admit to people why you support...
View ArticleCBD Hemp Oil
<p>Cannabidiols have some potential medicinal benefits and it could have other health advantages. (Also take a look at our Ultimate Resource Page for Cannabidiol ). Out of all the cannabinoids in...
View ArticleDon't change our credentials
<p>In light of the changes made to our ARDMS cards, I am petitioning to have the terminology changed back to registered instead of certified. We are members of the American Registry of...
View ArticleGarden Waste Bins
<p>North Somerset council are charging residents for garden waste recycling bins, but the cost we are told is to register our property for collection of garden waste. The bins are Not ours and we...
View Articlebastille to make a studio version of grip...
<p>Please sign so the boys realise how much we all need studio version of grip in our lives :)</p>
View ArticleStand for Truth
<p>On the CBS show <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Sunday Morning</span>, Bob Scheifer stated that we really need to have a national dialog about how we ended up...
<p> </p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in;" align="CENTER"><span style="font-size: x-large;"><strong>ATTENTION RAVENWOOD:</strong></span></p><p...
View ArticleBring Shapiro back and Camacho out
<p>Bring back Shapiro to Crockett it has gone down hill and caused a lot of students to have more mental breakdowns than before,the announcement she made about one of our fellow classmates...
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group will open a restaurant beginning spring 2017 at 55 Third Avenue a/k/a 202 East 11</span><span...
View ArticleSouth Dakota Require Tech in K-12
<p>The South Dakota School Board should vote yes on involving more tech in K-12 curriculum. Students today are born into a technology driven world, and demand differentiated learning in...
View ArticlePassport removal
<p>It is with great sadness that this thought even takes place. Due to the turnout of the election in the United States it seems to me some people have a disgruntled opinion of the candidate...
View ArticleToday I Choose Love
<p>Today I choose love. Today I choose to love all women, all men, all people with disabilities, veterans, Native Americans, Mexicans, Latinos, African-Americans, same sex couples, all LGBT...
<p>This is a petition for those who believe the sexist racist that somehow pulled threw in election give up his unworthy spot as president there's plenty if people that must concur with this...
View ArticleLower the voting age to 16 years of age f...
Lower the voting age to 16 years of age for all voting elections
View ArticleBring Shapiro back
<p>Bring back Shapiro petition is to fix Crockett back to what it use to be,all these ridiculous rules because of Camacho who runs this place like a boot camp.She was not respectful when she...
View ArticleImpeach Donald Trump
<p>Well here we have it people, the tragedy we all didn't want or expect to come to fruition. This election has come to show what hatred, racism, and ignorance is capable...
View ArticleStudent Expulsion Repeal
<p>Five girl's lives have been damaged due to the final decision Marist High school has put forth. The administration at Marist acted on the situation quickly and wrongly not even...
View ArticleChange the Vote to Hillary!
<p>Although Trump won the race to 270, there is still a chance that Hillary can win! Since Clinton won the popular vote, electoral colleges can still pick her in December. Heres why Donald...
View ArticleBye Anfisa!
<p>Please sign the petition to send Anfisa back to Russia (the spoiled gold digger 9- day fiance) and urge Jorge to seek therapy. If she gets a green card, has babies, she WILL be on public...
View ArticleRefills not Landfills at Cuesta - Support...
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Elkay's EZH2O bottle filling stations are ideal for education, healthcare, fitness clubs and hospitality. For outdoor applications, including college...
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