<h1>Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban endorses Hillary Clinton</h1><p> </p><p>Mark Cuban it's time to come out of the closet and admit to people why you support Hillary Clinton. There's no shame in being a gay person. The shame is hiding in it with a marriage that is a farce and attacking a conservative candidate for president without admitting why. The change from how are you disliked Obama see your love affair with Hillary Clinton is proof that you fear the truth will come if Donald Trump is elected President.</p><p>Please sign this petition to let Mark Cuban know that we do not feel he is a Texan because of his Progressive views. Wre sick of his lies. He needs to know his money can't buy he's secrets. Having a liberal who won't admit who he really is owning a Texas basketball team is everything Texas is against.</p><p>MARK CUBAN GO BACK TO PITTSBURG</p><p>This petition is not about your actual sexual preference. It does not matter what it's about is a man who is lying to the country and backing a murderer to keep his secrets.</p><p>Tell Mark Cuban by signing this petition that you're sick of his insane comments and thinking he is Bulletproof. If he's going to live in Texas and support someone like Hillary Clinton then you should tell us the truth or he should move out of Texas.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>