<p>Popcorn is an essential part of the cinema experience.</p><p>Kill joys are currently petitioning to have popcorn removed from sale in U.k cinemas, stating noise pollution, and loss of film enjoyment as their primary reasons.</p><p>Most of us enjoy a bucket/ bag of popcorn when we go to the cinema, it is part of the excitement.</p><p> </p><p>For many with food allergies popcorn is the only snack the cinema sells that is safe for them to consume.</p><p> </p><p>Although it seems unlikely that any petition asking for a popcorn ban in cinemas would succeed (it is the main source of revenue for cinema chains), As the petition is on grounds of noise pollution, with enough signatures it would be officially looked at as an item for monitoring by the environmental health department.</p><p>If this happened it would be up to individual county councils to decide (based on the advice of noise abatement officers) whether or not to impose a ban in their area.</p><p>SIGN THIS PETITION !!! STOP THESE KILL JOYS FROM BANNING OUR POPCORN!!</p>