Accept NBPAS as a valid Board for AGH Cre...
<p>Atlantic General Hospital Should Accept NBPAS certification as an Alternative to ABMS certification for Hospital Privileges.</p><p>Many ABMS member boards have created Maintenance...
View ArticleIntegrate Retired Military Personnel in S...
<p>The military personnels are the one whose efforts and sacrifices can never be forgotten or looked upon as trifle but once they get discharged or retires from military, it is extremely...
View Articlebishop wand students allowed phones
<p>we believe that students should be allowed to have their cellphones on them as we are being discriminated against by teachers as they get to keep their phones on them if the world has equal...
View ArticleThe Debt Coverage Act
<p>Every year thousands of Americans are in debt, however with this debt coverage act / plan it will eliminate the stress on the individual and the economical economy. This Debt Coverage plan...
View ArticlePlease bring educated politicians in Indi...
<p>Now India wants people who are educated.....not anyone who has connections in politics...its a shame that the education minister is not educated ...well until we don't have literate people in...
View ArticleSpeak out against baked goods bigotry
<p>A debate is raging regarding whether baked goods should be banned from the UK. It began with someone commenting about their antipathy towards crumpets and quickly escalated...
View ArticleA petition to stop Kanye West from releas...
<p>Kanye West has stated that he will create and release a David Bowie tribute album. This petition aims to halt the release of the aforementioned album. David Bowie is a music icon, and his...
View ArticleProhiban el ingreso de alimentos en los c...
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">PROHÍBAN</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">EL</span> <span style="text-decoration:...
View ArticleConjoining Property of Deer Run Apartment...
<p>The abandoned property conjoined with the Deer Run Apartments is a danger to all. There are homeless people taking shelter in there, Drug users and Domestic Violence actions in there...
View ArticleWheatland Memorial Healthcare
<p>I support Richard Hackett as Director of Nursing at Wheatland Memorial Healthcare, Harlowton, Montana.</p>
View ArticleReading Toolbox Petition
<p>The Reading Toolbox is an assignment that many people in the Freshman Class feel is an assignment that does not help us learn more about the subject we are learning. We would not like to do...
View ArticleTony Horne For UCHS Head Football Coach
<p>UCHS needs a coach who will lead these players to victories and results. Horne has the ability to do this all while building the character and skills of each individual player....
View ArticleCedar Hammock Posting Warning Request
<p>This petition is requesting Cedar Hammock to incorporate the 48 hour notice to post in each and every notice as it does with the first request. Blah blah blah.</p>
View ArticleOpen Letter of Thanks to PB Michael Curry...
<p>We, the undersigned, write to express our deep gratitude for the prophetic leadership of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies Gay Jennings in responding to the...
View ArticleNo More Common Core
<p>Common Core learning is damaging our children. My daughter has struggled with common core so much and it effects her behavior as well. She use to love going to school and love doing her school...
View ArticleProhibir palomitas en las salas de cine d...
<p>Es molesto disfrutar de una pelicula escuchando como alguien come palomitas a tu lado. En la oscuridad te centras en esos ruidos y no en los diálogos de la...
View ArticleRevolt against the GOP Establishment Elit...
<p>Our GOP presidential candidate front-runners are anti-establishment, and pro-America, and this is scaring the GOP Elites to death! Don't think for one second they will simply let Trump, Cruz...
View ArticleCNA Fare Wages For All
<p> The CNA's of Orchard have collectively decided to start a petition. We feel that our the facility has not attempted to hear us out and come to an agreement or even bargain...
View ArticleDo not move Swavesey post office
<p>We do not want our Swavesey post office to be moved to the high St where the lack of parking will cause congestion from traffic leaving the A14. The present site is safe for elderly...
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