Return IPACA to local control
<p>The future of education on Portland is under threat. It has recently been announced that IPACA will become part of Aldridge Education - a national Multi Academy Trust (MAT)...
View ArticleI'm Done
<p>I'm done with my country . I'm done with my goverment. If Hillary Clinton is elected I will still live here. But know more news channels,no more facebook or twitter. I will never...
View ArticleHelp save my dog
<p>Hi, I am an individual who lives at home with my staff called Buster in Havant. Buster is a dog who enjoys company, and loves children. He is a healthy energetic dog and is considered part of...
View ArticleAnimal testing in the makeup industry
<p>I started this petition today in the hope that people's eyes would be opened up to the horrific and immoral doings to animals by the cosmetics industry and how with the help of yours and...
View ArticleGrey wolves series into a tv show!
<p>This is a petition to get the grey wolves book series by Quinn loftis made into a tv series.</p>
View ArticleForce the GOP establishment to support tr...
<p>GOP congressmen & senators that are up for election this year should support Trump publicly on FOX and CNN or we should make it clear we will not vote for them for...
View ArticleKeep Billy Bush on the Today Show
<p>We as Americans are way to uptight about everything! I am not saying that we should condone the language used by Trump in the audio however, Billy Bush deserves to keep his job. The release of...
View ArticleRenew Chesapeake Shores for season 2!
<p>Petition Created By: Monica Strom</p><p>Twitter: @MStrom17</p><p>Chesapeake Shores is a Canadian/American drama series based on the series with the same name written by...
View ArticleBringing a National Civil Rights Museum t...
Bringing a National Civil Rights Museum to Birmingham
View ArticleHigh zone Reinstation
<p>High Zone Page, eshte nje faqe e cila realitetin politk, edukativ, arsimor, social, etj te Kosoves e paraqet permes humorit dhe satires. Si duket dikuj ne Kosove nuk i ka pelqyer reagimi yne...
View ArticleStop IJSBA racer humiliation by Dave Arno...
<p>This petition was started to express the concern of poor announcing at IJSBA events by Dave Arnold. For several years many racers have had complaints stemming from the lack of professionalism...
View ArticleStop the excessive violation notices!
<p><strong>Did you know the H.O.A can foreclose on a home with excessive violations?</strong> <strong>Are you tired of receiving violations every month for ridiculous...
View ArticleBring Bernie Back
<p>Bring back Bernie Sanders so America can have a fighting chance. We need him back to take down these two candidates. </p>
View ArticleU.S. Forest Service and elected officials...
<p><strong><u>We Hereby Petition the U.S. Forest Service and Our Elected Officials...
View Articlelets talk cancer
<p><br /><span style="font-weight: 400;">Raising awareness for </span><strong>Cancer</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> as a prominent disease as well as...
View ArticleHumans! Stop saying your politicians look...
<p><strong>Humans! It's time to stop saying your politicians look like turtles or tortoises! They do not! </strong></p><p>Our side eyes are unmatched by any politician. We...
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Support Safe...
View ArticleAnglo-American Slavery Reparations
<p>Slavery. It is a word that brings to mind death, ruin and destruction. It is the ultimate lack of freedom, the lowest totem on the pole of life, where life is consequential and cheap. I ask...
View ArticleBring Debbie Down Under
<p>For over 25 years, Debbie Gibson has proven she’s an entertainer of immeasurable talent. From singer, songwriter and musician to actress and dancer, she embodies what it truly means...
View ArticleTo put a stop to Congress voting themselv...
<p>Everyone else, minimum wage earners in particular, have to earn an increase. Let the people they allegedly represent decide if they deserve a raise.</p>
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