No to Open Bottle Business
<p>This business will generate more rodents (Rats, Mice). <br />This Business will generate an Audience that will affect the community in a downward trend. </p><p>This...
View ArticlePlease keep both Mint and Coconut Macaroo...
<p>Hi everyone,</p><p> </p><p>I've created this petition after have being told by my Consultant that there is going to be a poll asking if we want to keep Mint...
View ArticleSave lives in Belfast - heighten the rail...
<p>Once again, we are upset and numbed to be talking about another young person who has lost their life jumping from the Divis/Westlink Bridge.</p><p><br />We feel compelled to...
View ArticleViridian: Petition for Police Patrol and ...
<p>Mr. Parker:</p><p>We, the residents of Viridian, are increasingly concerned with the amount of criminal activity in our neighborhood. We are therefore petitioning for police patrol...
View ArticleThe Simpson: Episode 666
<p>Ladies and gentleman, as of writing this petition it is october 16 2016. I have been struck with the idea of the century as we only have 66 episodes to go before the big 666 why not have the...
View ArticleBoth Hilary and Trump aren't fit to be pr...
<p>Many people don't like Trump or Hilary and for good reasons, Bernie Sanders should have won and he would have if it weren't for "super delegates" or in other words the government saw we liked...
View ArticleSave people of Thar
<p>Since the last few years, the local media has focused its attention on infant mortality inTharparkar district. There have been many write-ups on the subject. Among the most highlighted causes...
View ArticleSafer Roads For Chase Bridge Pupils
<p>Please sign this petition to reduce the speed limit outside of the school to 20mph and to have speed bumps installed on the road, to reduce risk to pupils, parents and staff outside Chase...
View ArticleCineworld to Host Screenings of Pokemon: ...
<p>Please sign and share if you wish to view the original and best Pokemon movie in Cineworld Cinemas across the UK! We are wishing for Cineworld to host screening's of Pokemon: The...
View ArticleDeliver Signed Sealed Delivered for 2017
<p>Signed Sealed Delivered on Hallmark Movies and Mysteries Channel is written by Touched By An Angel Executive Producer Martha Williamson. It is about a group of postal detectives who...
View ArticleSave our heritage
<p>Dear Soham,</p><p>As we are all very aware of, certain tracts of land are earmarked to disappear under concrete and brick within Soham. For the sake of this town and its residents,...
View ArticleA Free Little Library
<p>I am asking for you approval to place a "Little Library" on our street. </p><p>It will be located by my mailbox on my property, in The Orchards subdivision at...
View ArticleSchool mini bus
<p>I have been trying for 2 years now to get my son on the school mini bus but council are saying he can't have it as we not 2miles away from the school.He as bad legs so some days it's hard to...
View ArticleMitch McConnell & Paul Ryan, Repudiate Do...
<p>Dear Citizen,</p><p>Please sign this petition and let our leaders in Washington know that the time has come to fulfill their Constitutional duty and that they must do this now,...
View ArticleMake Sustainability Leadership a Cal Poly...
<p>On behalf of the Empower Poly Coalition (EPC), the undersigned coalition organizations, and petition signers, we respectfully request that President Armstrong elevate sustainability...
View ArticleKeep the 19th Hole As a Grille for all Me...
<p>RPYCC Board is considering turning our most popular golf club restaurant into a Men's Only facility. We feel that this issue which has come up several times over the past twenty year's and has...
View ArticlePetition Against Rezoning for New Subdivi...
<p><strong>Petition Against Rezoning for Proposed New Subdivision off of N. Little Egypt Road.</strong></p><p>RHH Land Investors LLC is requesting the rezoning of 81.2...
View ArticleHelp to obtain MLB Product License
<p>I created Personalized Game Day Posters and Photos called FanPix for Major League Baseball fans. FanPix commemorates their special day at the ballpark where each product includes the...
View ArticleCEOs who pledged support for Gordhan
<p><strong>CEOs who pledged support for Gordhan</strong></p><p>In a dramatic move of support for Pravin Gordhan, 81 CEOs pledged support for the finance minister days...
View ArticleProposed Customary Use Ordinance For Walt...
<p>We the undersigned property owners of Walton County Florida are opposed to the proposed customary</p><p>use ordinance pending before the Board of County Commissioners. We believe...
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